i started eat too much since doctor told me that i almost affected by senteritis(radang usus). i have to eat everytime i feel hungry. if i didn't ,my stomach will be burninggg like hell. Sooo, my mom forced me to eat crackes or smthing like that every single minute, what the heck!!! cemal cemil cemal cemil, i didn't realize that routine affect me since NOW. uggghhhhhhhhhh.
when i was in senior high school my weight 45kg but now almost 55kg. HUAAHHHH with my 157cm height i cannot call it fine proportion, anddddd everytime someone told me :
"cik, kayanya lo gendutan deh" (kata temen2 yang udh lama gak ketemu)
"dondon gendut sekarang, liat tuh tangan sm pipinya" (kata bokap)
"kok mba nta gendut sihhh sekarang" (kata sodara2 gue)
"mba sekar, gemukan ya. dulu nda gini" (kata pembantu+ supir gue)
it makes me worry!!!!!!!!kalo cm 3 orang yang bilang sihh gapapa ini over 15 people, hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. so i made my resolution for 2010 i have to workout or swim every week!!!! and defeat my cemal cemil crazinesssssssssssss. WISH ME LUCK!
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